• The Roots Of Prohibition..


    The Roots Of Prohibition..


    Americans spent more money on alcohol and were used to drinking for a lot of opportunities and stopped only when they got the grave. (explain)

    Men stopped working  in favour of drinking. Besides, they abused their wives, they took on violence( and the concept of domestic violence did not exist idée à déplacer et à expliciter; veillez à rester cohérente dans votre énoncé), then couldn't provide for they family.

    Prohibition was a necessity for the  Americans to make a better society.

    Because of  the  damage of alcohol in 1697 the 18th amendement was created , it  was the  beginning of  prohibition and during 1920 33 states became dry.



                                                                   ~ Laurane

  • Commentaires

    Lundi 27 Janvier 2014 à 18:59

    Votre travail est trop court et n'est pas assez apporfondi. Reprenez les documents travaillés et apporter plus d'informations concrètes.  Votre article doit permettre à une personne lambda d'avoir une idée assez clair du comment et pour de la prohibition. A votre clavier... (08/20)

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