• During the twenties, in America people used to drink every day.: from early in the morning until late in the evening, and they spent all their time in saloons. They started to drink early in their life and they stopped when they died.

    Americans were used to drinking for a lot of opportunities : they drank when they made a new aquaintance, they drank to rejoice or celebrate an  election, they also drank if they met someone.. 

    Very fast  alcohol became a rite in the life of Americans : men could stop their activities in factories and offices, farmfields, As a matter of fact a  bell used to ring to warn the workers of the break:  it was known as  the "grog time".

    Rhum, Whisky and Beer were the three types of alcohol that could be found. Alcohol became a symbol of masculinity: to show you were a man ,you drank.

    But, alcohol became dangerous for women and children because men became violent. Men couldn't provide for their family and they couldn't do their job. 

    So the government proclaimed the prohibition with the 18th  amendment in order to protect the nation from drunkards who could become harmful to the nation.

    Alcohol and Prohibition in America

                                                                                                                           PRAT  Laura                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

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  • Alcohol was steeped in history of America for many decades, namely people loved drink early in life and they stopped when they got to the grave.

    Before the Prohibition in America, the population -and in most cases men- were used to drinking all the time. They drank to celebrate an election, when they closed a bargain or when they made acquaintance with someone. Alcohol became dangerous because men had no control over them. Therefore their wives and their children became victims of this decadence; they were abandoned, mistreated and deprived of food and shelters. Men couldn't provide for their family and couldn't do their job. All social classes were concerned with the problem of alcohol.

    At that time, the 18th amendment to the constitution of the United States was proclaimed and the Prohibition bagan in America. Prohibition was also called The Noble Experiment.

    With this new law, alcohol became an object of trafficking and speakeasies appeared. Many people took advantage of this prohibition, like bootleggers. A lot of bootleg liquors appeared like Yak-Yak Bourbon, Rum Runner or Pumpkin Wine. This new baverages were called Wood Alcohol.

    Faced with this huge problem, several organizations were created in favour of The Noble Experiment; WCTU (Woman's Christian Temperance Union), an organization which was formed only of women, was one of the most important.

    Finally, in 1933, the 18th amendment was removed from the declaration with  the 21th amendment to the constitution of United States.

    Alcohol Prohibition in USA during 20s


    LAUTH Coline

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  • During the 19th century, the society of United States was known as one of the biggest drunking country in the world and Americans were having a very bad reputation. In fact, this reputation was founded on trues issues. As a matter of fact,  they were drinking at every moment of the day or to "celebrate" something (develop!). But it began to be a bad thing when men started to be violent with their families or when they were living their jobs to drink. That's this way of life that forced the government to proclaim the prohibition, with the 18th amendment. 

    Is it you Sarah?

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  • In 1697  the first attempt to restrict alcohol in the  USA failed. But it changed in January,29th 1919 : the 18th Amendment was ratified, many people supported this act, thinking that it was only banning hard liquors but no.  The amendment took effect one year later.  The prohibition was applied because of the abuse of alcohol by Americans. The average americans over 50 years of age used to drink the equivalent of 800 bottles of whisky every year, mainly intoxicating beverages. Besides  Americans were known as a Nation of drunkards who, for example,  were used to having barrel of cider by the door of their houses but not the same cider as today : as a matter of fact,  it was stronger and everyone used to  drink it .Plus, the conumption  of alcohol caused violent behavior in men, they abused  their wives and mistreated women and children.

    So All these consequences explain the prohibition of alcohol in America in the twenties.

    The Prohibition    

    The Prohibition


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  • The 18th Amendment started National Prohibition. The Prohibition was a necessity for the Americans to build a better society because the damage of alcohol caused that numerous men stopped working in favour of drinking. They used to abuse their wives and use violence on their children. Men used each occasion to drink alcohol and all the social classes were concerned with this problem. the Prohibition was caused by the depravation of the people (explain, give details...). The 21th Amendment ended National Prohibition.


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